Bishop Rotary Tattoo Machine

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Bishop Rotary is an American company which is located in Orange County, California. Franco Vescovi is sole owner of the Bishop Rotary Tattoo Machinese, founded in 2009 simultaneously with the creation of its first Bishop Rotary. Vescovi has over 20 years of experience in the tattoo and he used rotary machines for over 14 years. Franco made his first direct-drive rotary machine more than 18 years ago with his older brother. He founded the company and built the Bishop Rotary on the basis of what traditional machines sinned in his experience, such as texture, power and efficiency. In 2015 it has two rotary machines, evolution of Bishop Rotary Tattoo Machines, the Microangelo and Bishop MAGI, created with the help of a Master in the field of Tattoo, Nikko Hurtado.